Thursday, February 16, 2017

Happy Birthday #Aquarius if you're born today

Happy Birthday #Aquarius if you're born today you are emerging more and more as an independent person, thinker each day, and coming into your own. Sometimes you'll feel that bosses, parents, teachers, coaches or the structures in your life, hold you back.  Sometimes you'll work effectively within the power structures in your life.  these can be things like protocol. how things are done, the unspoken loyalties, rules or the laws of the land.  You have to navigate these sometimes favorable or unfavorable corridors effectively.  You are measured, judged, tested, watched, and criticized in an effort to make you better.  You too have people you must watch, protect and be loyal too.  One step out of bounds or if you're caught deviating from the rules, the system or caught being mean to toehrs and the consequences are real.  So this year you walk a tightrope.  But that's OK!  You certainly have trained for the marathon and position you find yourself in. This year is all about getting ahead and reaching high for that golden ring of success. Visit for more Horoscopes

Today's planets & You!

Today's planets & You! Today the Moon is in #Scorpio, not the best placement for the Moon because it's hard to express your deepest darkest emotions in outwardly and open manner.  It can be all about money today.  Whet you owe and what's owed to you. The Moon in #Scorpio favors #Scorpio and #Scorpio Rising for fresh starts, & love, #Sagittarius needs a private moment, but things at home don't allow for that, #Capricorn is firm and redefines the word 'friend", #Aquarius needs to show respect & loyalty, #Pisces avoid making a mistake by thinking you are being deliberately overlooked, #Aries needs to be independent once again, #Taurus notices their bad habits and changes them, #Gemini shouldn't be caught in a big lie, but might be, #Cancer is firm in his or her choices, #Leo has an opportunity for new love and a chance to move or move on, #Virgo starts to get peeved about doing too much, #Libra can be extravagant today. Visit for more #Daily Horoscopes

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Happy Birthday #Aquarius if you're born today

Happy Birthday #Aquarius if you're born today it's all about new experiences that perhaps you dreamed about, or even lived temporarily before, but now it's for real and for good. Your days of being outspoken or a whistle blower maybe in the past as you resolve to work in a more politically correct way through the systems that you abhor, or want to change.  You nonetheless see injustices and things that can be improved all around you, and truly want to help change things for the better.  This internal instinct will always be in your heart but you could also opt to express your angst in a more personal way through a challenging long distance relationship, the debate club, or through studying law or political science. It doesn't always have to be through the HR dept. or with a picket sign on some street. Aquarius this year you are capable of making great sacrifices to make a difference in others lives, to save lives and to follow your heart.

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