Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Today's Planets & You

Today the Moon is in #Gemini which usually favors #Gemini but Mars/Pluto are also getting into that action, things get mean! The Moon in #Gemini puts the spotlight on Gemini, #Cancer sits today out, #Leo fixes things for everyone, #Virgo has few choices but to leave, #Libra is at a loss For words, #Scorpio doesn't know if a new love can heal the old one, #Sagittarius needs space to think about things so they fly solo, #Capricorn is focused and oblivious to their surroundings, #Aquarius has all the answers today, #Pisces needs to lay off the caffeine. #Aries wants to sell you something, #Taurus needs to learn things very quickly.

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Happy Birthday #Libra if you're born today

Happy Birthday #Libra if you're born today you have a lot to get used to to or a lot to change in your life. There could be situations in your personal life that you are just putting up with. Sometimes you may laugh thinking you are getting the best of everything and sometimes you just wait for things to change, for another to change, or leave, and sometimes the reality of your situation hits you very hard. yes I am talking about your personal life and relationships. There will come a time during the next year when a big decision about your life must be made. For now, you're content to hold down the Fort nicely & squirrel away all the money you can in your bank account for that day in the future when change comes. 

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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Happy Birthday #Libra if you're born today

Happy Birthday #Libra if you're born today you definitely have one foot in the future and one foot in the past. Here we go with #Libras notorious indecisiveness or desire to avoid confrontation. Are you willing to spend another year in limbo? Powerful aspects define your year and like it or not you will be shown over and over again who you are compatible with and who you are not compatible with. You could get strapped with a relationship that is financially based or more like a high school boyfriend girlfriend relationship. It's time to grow up or spend a very frustrating year. Venus your ruler shows you that honesty is the best policy and sometimes you can't avoid hurting someones feelings. This year do not entwine your financial situation with another s. Visit follow me here or follow me on @instagram @terry.nazon on @Twitter at @sexstrology
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