Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Today's Planets and You

The 4th Quarter Moon in #Taurus is under way at Sunset I love it! It joins our loving asteroid Ceres who wants t slow down & enjoy life. This favors the sign of #Taurus, even gets #Aries to start thinking about good times, good food & good company! While #Pisces gets the proverbial 2nd chance at life, #Aquarius too is about to make a big move towards happiness, #Capricorn can fall in love, #Sagittarius feels their power to be independent & make their own money, while #Scorpio stirs the pot, #Libra decides to commit or not to commit, #Virgo wants to travel, splurge on someone & save money, "Say What?" #Leo asks for that raise, promotion or walks away, #Cancer has a new attitude towards a lover or child, #Gemini wants to be debt free, & flush with cash in the bank and why not? Get my Mobile App and Visit www.terrynazon.com 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Happy Birthday Leo if you're born today

Happy Birthday ‪#‎Leo‬ if you're born today it's an exciting time and a time when you are thinking...still about making major changes in your personal life. The little voice inside is bored or doesn't want a dysfunctional routine or to live a lie. The image you present to the world is fabulous darling and everyone thinks you have the life and you have it all. Still happiness, real happiness the kind of happiness you personally dream about isn't there. many of you are dealing with crazy people in your personal lives, at home or glued to someone financially. Should you chose it, your mission over the coming year will be to extricate yourself from unsavory situations, and find true happiness and love.
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Today's Planets & You

It's always loud, exciting with lots of activity when the Moon is in the sign of #Aries like it is today. The #Moon in #Aries favors #Aries who is rethinking all their impulsive decisions oh my! While #Pisces gets a fresh start at earning mo money, #Aquarius is on the verge of major changes, so don't mess it up! #Capricorn has the Earth moving under their feet & we all know there's gold & diamonds under the ground, #Sagittarius is moving slowly methodically & making sure everyone is taken care of, #Scorpio can't forget something & others are saying "That was a long long time ago, #forgetaboutit. #Libra wants to be the center of someones world, but someone makes plans without him or her, #Virgo could lose something valuable, #Leo snarls & growls & is warning you to watch out, #Cancer is getting to the point where he or she doesn't give a damn what you think, while #Gemini asks again "Is this all there is?" #Taurus bonds with others.
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