Friday, July 22, 2016

Happy Birthday ‪#‎Leo‬ if you're born today

Happy Birthday ‪#‎Leo‬ if you're born today and it's your Solar Return time. Now if on your birthday the Sun isn't exactly at it's very same position & degree as the moment of your birth will you have a cow, scream & holler loud? No, you'll realize that you are still under the aspects of the prior year or if the Solar Return is ahead of it's Natal position in your chart, you will realize you are working for something in the future. However, there is a Solar Return report too you can get that does align the Sun to it's exact position in your natal Birth Chart, each Solar Return situation gives you a different perspective on the year ahead.
This year Leo it doesn't matter if you are tearing down walls in your abode, home or apartment, it never looks quite right. You re-think the people you walked away from and at any given time this year you could regret losing contact with some people. Missing lost connections is on your mind this year, That could include a break up, someone who has past or just a good friend you blew off. But you must go on! Visit for more!

Today's Planets & You

TGIF! The Sun has entered Leo! Let's be happy & have some Fun! The Moon is in the sign of ‪#‎Pisces‬ which of course favors #Pisces who gets another chance at fixing their lives!‪#‎Aquarius‬ too needs to "fit in" today while ‪#‎Capricorn‬ the rule maker needs to allow their creative ideas to flow, ‪#‎Sagittarius‬ longs for greener pastures, ‪#‎Scorpio‬ needs to feel loved, so do something about it already it's time. ‪#‎Libra‬ wants to have more fun & could play hooky from work, ‪#‎Virgo‬ the light is being shed on your mistakes so laugh them off, ‪#‎Cancer‬ count your change & maybe don't be so generous, ‪#‎Gemini‬ gets a long awaited for phone call about his or her future, ‪#‎Taurus‬ it's time to live large & hang with the "in" crowd, while ‪#‎Aries‬ is naught so remember your words have power, rest poolside & Shut up! Don't forget to sign up for my mobile Horoscope App! And visit for more.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Happy Birthday #Cancer if you're born today

Happy Birthday #Cancer if you're born today you can definitely count your coins and save your change this year. Although like any Queen or King of the hill you'll need a big stick to defend your gains and place at the top when others try to knock you down and they will. The good news is that you are not at all offended by ready to play ball with the big boys and girls. There's always going to be someone this year to blame you for their mistakes. No problem you definitely aren't one for taking B.S. either. You've seen it all and continue to laugh, dance and sing all the way to the bank! In love you're just as tough!
Visiti and get my Horoscope App to follow along with us.