Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Your Weekly Horoscopes

Lunar North and South Nodes are in the signs of Virgo and Pisces, and they are
joined by the planets Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, the dwarf planets Chiron, and
Ceres.  Maybe you too find you are
criticizing yourself lots and not living up to your own expectations.  Maybe it’s easier to slip into resting or
vacationing when you should be working.  Maybe
you’ve already given up.  It’s also not
giving yourself enough breaks and rest. Maybe you’re not working as hard as you
know you could, and maybe you are daydreaming your time away fantasying with or
without the help of alcohol or other substances.  

Your Weekly Horoscopes

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Your Weekly Horoscopes

Since the beginning of time when Man begin to plot the stars and follow the cyclical repetitive motion of the Moon her Eclipses have always been a source of wonder, bewilderment, fear and anticipation

Your Weekly Horoscopes

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Is there any truth to a Kimye @KimKardashian @KanyeWest divorce Rumors?

Is there any truth to a Kimye @KimKardashian @KanyeWest divorce? Absolutely. But Kim Kardashian may be holding on to hope that things will change yet secretly embarrassed and ignoring all of Kanye’s strange behavior. Things at home are not good and Kim with a full 12th house of suffering on account of love, losses, karma and a cycle of completion being transited by some very malefic influences namely Mars and Saturn who show no signs of giving up until years’ end, how long will you hang on, til years end? Could Kanye be being abusive? Well there’s nothing that’s stopped him from being openly disrespectful to @AmberRose or @TaylorSwift so Kim how far does he go with you? Uranus in Aries in your solar 4th house makes you not even want to live with him sometimes. While Mars transits your Natal 12th house Uranus in Scorpio put on your boxing gloves and carry some mace spray when he’s indulging in what he shouldn’t be indulging in, too much. Kim will breathe a huge sigh of relief when she’s free of this! A new solo 28 yr. cycle starts for her by year end! The sadder reality is that both their hearts will be broken in an maniacal ego battle for superiority.