Showing posts with label planets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label planets. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Happy Birthday Leo If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Leo if you're born today or you are a 22* Leo Rising or Moon sign you are always watching yourself, and perhaps looking at yourself in the mirror.  Ever the perfectionist this year where is the line drawn between checking for a wardrobe malfunction and all out obsessing over your looks.  This would be a great year to get healthier, work out more, weight training, and finding your perfect job.  It's a great year to intern, be an apprentice or somehow ingratiate yourself to a successful person who can mentor you on your road to success. This year you still have lots to learn and you gain immensely by keeping good records. Keep your actions on the up and up as earning and keeping the trust of others can only help you over the coming year.  Your self-confidence will soar, lucky breaks will come but hard work will be essential.  Don't be afraid to believe in yourself or true love!

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Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Libra today but of course the Moon runs into all manner of delays or troubles. It's a day when if you're not following the rules or stepping all over another's toes, or not being nice, you could get called out. It's all about money, love, and manners today.  The Moon is in Libra favors all the air signs #Gemini, #Libra and #Aquarius who are on point with their intellectual prowess today! The Moon is in Libra is especially kind to #Libra who with a little charm gets their way, #Scorpio it's your day to contemplate things and go to the spa, #Sagittarius does things bigger and better than everyone, #Capricorn you could piss someone off but do you care? #Aquarius take a class or go on a job interview, #Pisces could be a consider a genius at budgeting, #Aries while the cats away the mice will play right, #Taurus you get what you want through the kindness of another, #Gemini laugh and smile more, #Cancer time to move on even if you find out someone has been helping themselves to what's yours, #Leo you might question yourself today about how easily your feathers are ruffled, and #Virgo are you thinking of blocking someone?

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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! Don't be surprised when someone tells you how they really feel about you! Oh my! The Moon is in Cancer and this favors the water born to have thicker skins today and gives #Cancer the advantage over others, #Leo should be but might not be nice, no worries #Virgo will make excuses for everyone's grumpiness, #Libra has to mix work, and responsibilities with a desire to relax, #Scorpio keeps rehashing things, #Sagittarius feels ignored or put down by someone and that's a big No-no, #Capricorn feel unappreciated, #Aquarius tries to start over with someone, #Pisces doesn't get how something works, #Aries gets criticized over nothing, #Taurus tries to get things back on track and running smoothly, #Gemini just ignores what you say to him or her. 

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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Aries is typically a time to Go, go go, but the faster you go today the more you are confronted by what you need to do and not what you want to do!  The Moon is in Aries favors Aries and Aries Rising to move ahead today and take matters into their own hands, #Taurus is in the process of tremendous changes and avoids troublesome situations, #Gemini finds new words to express themselves and tries to inspire, #Cancer is all business today and avoids close contact, #Leo stresses over what others think, #Virgo looks the prettiest and knows it, #Libra over compensates for feeling crappy, #Scorpio is busy devising new plans, #Sagittarius is busy doing creative accounting, #Capricorn is figuring out ways to up their lifestyles, #Aquarius says "There's a method to my madness", and #Pisces can sense a fight is brewing and avoids it. 

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage # #DailyHoroscopes #LunarEclipse #Eclipse, #Serpentarius, #Podcast, #planets, #DailyHoroscopes, #bestweeklyhorscopes, #bestdailyhoroscopes

Friday, July 27, 2018

Happy Birthday Leo If Your Born Today

Happy Birthday Leo if you're born today or you are 4* Leo Rising this could be the year of liberation, freedom and living in gratitude and love.  Would it be so bad to be grateful for everything you have and have learned thus far?   Not at all!  You can be a ta a crossroads where you can go along with someone else, be a follower and copy what others do or say, but why?   Be you and do what's in your heart even though that might feel uncomfortable!  This year time after time you go in a new direction, against the grain and guess what it works out!  Follow your dreams and separate from negative people want want to lead you around.  Since when was the King or Queen of the jungle a follower?  Let your talents guide you and develop them fully.  Let others see your greatness! Sure a break up might be necessary but you'll gain much more by flying solo. 

Be in a space of gratitude, Leo, which is where the North Node is. Today's Special Lunar Eclipse is also a Hindu Holiday! Guru Purnima is a traditional festival dedicated to express gratitude and respect for their spiritual and academic teachers. 

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage # #DailyHoroscopes #LunarEclipse #Eclipse, #Serpentarius, #Podcast, #planets, #DailyHoroscopes, #bestweeklyhorscopes, #bestdailyhoroscopes

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Capricorn and this favors #Capricorn to stand out, and get their way today #Aquarius learns more patience, #Pisces knows change is ahead and it's time to be a stellar person, #Aries be patient with your aspirations and laugh more, #Taurus makes their abode a real home, #Gemini tries to figure out new ways to stand out and be #1, #Cancer slowly realizes they are the power and they alone can make things happen, #Leo can have a sharp tongue today, #Virgo you're not weak, your strong so own it, #Libra renovations are healing you emotionally, #Scorpio is always deciding not to talk to someone, #Sagittarius be patient with your career and those kids!

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage # #DailyHoroscopes #LunarEclipse #Eclipse, #Serpentarius, #Podcast, #planets, #DailyHoroscopes, #bestweeklyhorscopes, #bestdailyhoroscopes

Monday, July 23, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Sagittarius today but it's a bit nerve racking and everyone needs to step back and not do anything to make matters worse in their lives.  It's getting hot with a Lunar Eclipse looming that's a Blood Moon at that! Today's winners will drive slowly and be careful in all matters. Right now we gain by taking baby steps towards our goals.  The Moon in Sagittarius favors #Sagittarius to do just that take matters into their own hands and be responsible, #Capricorn strength and patience is needed until the Moon enters your Sun sign and you see a turn around, #Aquarius you too need to research and read for new ways to deal with stress, pain and getting over angst, #Pisces don't let others influence you too much, follow your gut, #Aries staying close to home and shouldering responsibilities will alleviate the tenseness of the day, #Taurus If you have all the answer through rehearsing what else do you need, back up what you say with facts, #Gemini sticking to the work at hand and what needs to be done to keep things running smoothly isn't easy, but necessary, #Cancer focus in starting over, and releasing the past and whatever happened in the past to you, #Leo you might find that you flip flop and you hear what another is saying to you and you don't want to hurt anyone, avoid being critical or petty, #Virgo find a way to laugh more and be happy with small things, today it's simple pleasures and humbleness that go a long way, #Libra because you re the only Sun sign that is neither an animal glyph or a human glyph you can be colder than usual, #Scorpio no one escapes the planetary influences and you too try to figure out a new angle, a new phrase or a new way to shift the winds in your direction, Focus on what's new and your future instead.

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage # #DailyHoroscopes #LunarEclipse #Eclipse, #Serpentarius, #Podcast, #planets, #DailyHoroscopes, #bestweeklyhorscopes, #bestdailyhoroscopes

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! A Moon sign change and Sun sign change could both change your Mood and your outlook on life! Every once in a while you have to pat yourself on the back for doing something good!  The Moon in Sagittarius today favors the fire signs to get enthusiastic but goes a long way for #Sagittarius to take the initiative and live large, #Capricorn feels change is coming and finds hope in the little changes he or she sees, #Aquarius is at loss about a relationship but today people see your worth, #Pisces a new job or a new toy changes your routine and keeps you occupied,  Aries cast your worries aside change is here, #Taurus your house becomes more of a home and a place you want to rest your head,  #Gemini  you find yet another way to change another's outlook towards you and get on their better side, #Cancer your hard work today pays off and there is something to gain, #Leo your likes and dislikes are very strong, time to reclaim your life, #Virgo time to frolic and have fun so invite others to break bread with you, #Libra you can get lots done alone today but don't neglect friends, #Scorpio it's your connections with others that make you feel the best so open up.  There's more Horoscopes on my website.

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage # #DailyHoroscopes #LunarEclipse #Eclipse, #Serpentarius, #Podcast, #planets, #DailyHoroscopes, #bestweeklyhorscopes, #bestdailyhoroscopes

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Happy Birthday #Cancer If You're Born Today

Happy Birthday #Cancer if you're born today or you are a 28* Cancer Rising your #BirthdayHoroscope suggests that if you're up to it and you are ready to compete in the real world with real challenges, adversaries and opponents you can be a stellar winner. Sure you can feel overwhelmed, like others are stronger or have more of what it takes to be successful but you darling have real talent! That you can take to the bank. So don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  Let's face it we all need a rest or need to take a break and you shouldn't feel guilty when you too need to recuperate, relax and rejuvenate and to get back in the game.  That's another talent you have. An innate sense of when to fight, run, work hard and when to rest.  Since Cancer is do strong this year you'll need someone who is as strong as you.  You won't respect anyone who you feel is weak.  Strong partners are few and far between this year! 

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes #LunarEclipse #Eclipse

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Happy Birthday Cancer If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Cancer if you're born today or you are a 18* Cancer Rising your ruler the Moon is dark on your Birthday and in your house of secrets.  That means you have a very spiritual or intuitive leaning over the coming year so develop your intuition and 6th sense. It might be all you have to cut through all the B.S. that comes your way! You'll learn through trial and error that it's best to keep mum about what you're up to and quietly work hard and not let anyone know how much money you're actually squirreling away.  That's right you get down right aggressive about what belongs o you and protecting it.  Strong Cancers are not afraid nor will they be threatened by anyone. Not now, not ever.  In love, only the finest need apply as your intuition helps you see through posers and big talkers.  This year you're as serious as they come! For more book a consultation with me! 

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Happy Birthday Cancer If You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Cancer if You're born today or you are a 15* Cancer Rising you too are born within the orb or influence of a new Moon Solar Eclipse which promises to send you in a new financial direction or a new direction that make you proud of yourself!  You might win or gain something valuable and you also might define for yourself what you would do and what you would never ever do.  Yes, that's right creating boundaries for yourself and others makes things happy for Cancer natives.  This year is speckled with visions, dreams and wonderful surprises that make you feel connected to something bigger than yourself.  You carefully negotiate obstacles and plan ahead this year, and that makes you a winner.  You recognize the bad guys and avoid them at all costs.  Yes that's right, if it looks and smells like a rat it probably is a rat! You're not about to repeat mistakes of the past over and over again! There's so much more contact me for more Birthday Predictions!

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes #Onlinedating #Eclipse

Today's Planets And You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets And You! The Moon is in Taurus which rules good food, luxuries, comfort and the feeling of grass under your feet.  It's important not to arouse anyone's anger during Taurus Moons so be nice today!  The Moon is in Taurus favors the earth born #Sunsigns Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, However it's #Taurus who gets their way today and shines, #Gemini needs to avoid controversy today, #Cancer makes new friends, #Leo needs a break from someone close to him or her, #Virgo cares but really doesn't, #Libra is hurt by old relationships so wants to make new friends, #Scorpio needs things to be settled one way or the other, #Sagittarius has more know how than anyone else today, #Capricorn makes themselves happy and this is attractive to others, #Aquarius makes a big decision about moving on, #Pisces wants something new in their lives but has to get rid of someone old, and #Aries wants to be an original not just like everyone else. 

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes #Onlinedating #Eclipse

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Happy Birthday Cancer if You're Born Today Birthday Horoscope

Happy Birthday Cancer if you're born today or you are a 13* Cancer Rising you could be pulled in to directions financially.  on the one hand your children or a partner even a business endeavor demands more and more of you time , attention and cold hard cash.  Well you have a big decision to make and even your kids if they're old enough have to start to earn their own way in life.  Things are competitive all around.  You can feel that you are alone in your desire to get ahead or to get somewhere in life. That's OK cancer isn't a shrinking or fragile violet. No, Cancer natives are strong, stand up for themselves and compete hard.  Most of the time Cancer is successful. This year holds a secret!  You can get something that's owed to you or have powerful supports. You find new loyal friends who like you make things happen!  This is your year to think about yourself more.  

Visit Terry’s Store for All of your Astrology Accessories™ Reports This is Real Astrology by a Real Astrologer! Book Your personal consultation with me using my Online Scheduling App and find out what’s ahead for you! Click here, or visit #Horoscopes #Astrology #Free #ebooks #marriage #amreading #DailyHoroscopes #Cancerbirthday

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Today's planets Saturday May 10th, 2013

The Moon is in wistful Gemini and our focus can be off as we are more apt to be easily distracted and want to do whatever comes to mind at any given moment so keep your schedule free.  It’s a great day to catch up on what others are doing as long as it doesn’t turn into negative gossiping.  The Malls should be filled with shoppers or window shoppers and restaurants and watering holes the same.  Keep it light, don’t go too deep and enjoy the moment, there’s another eclipse on the horizon…