Showing posts with label Bloodmoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bloodmoon. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Sagittarius today but it's a bit nerve racking and everyone needs to step back and not do anything to make matters worse in their lives.  It's getting hot with a Lunar Eclipse looming that's a Blood Moon at that! Today's winners will drive slowly and be careful in all matters. Right now we gain by taking baby steps towards our goals.  The Moon in Sagittarius favors #Sagittarius to do just that take matters into their own hands and be responsible, #Capricorn strength and patience is needed until the Moon enters your Sun sign and you see a turn around, #Aquarius you too need to research and read for new ways to deal with stress, pain and getting over angst, #Pisces don't let others influence you too much, follow your gut, #Aries staying close to home and shouldering responsibilities will alleviate the tenseness of the day, #Taurus If you have all the answer through rehearsing what else do you need, back up what you say with facts, #Gemini sticking to the work at hand and what needs to be done to keep things running smoothly isn't easy, but necessary, #Cancer focus in starting over, and releasing the past and whatever happened in the past to you, #Leo you might find that you flip flop and you hear what another is saying to you and you don't want to hurt anyone, avoid being critical or petty, #Virgo find a way to laugh more and be happy with small things, today it's simple pleasures and humbleness that go a long way, #Libra because you re the only Sun sign that is neither an animal glyph or a human glyph you can be colder than usual, #Scorpio no one escapes the planetary influences and you too try to figure out a new angle, a new phrase or a new way to shift the winds in your direction, Focus on what's new and your future instead.

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