Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Comet Siding Spring whizzes past Mars

The Comet Siding Spring will whiz by the planet Mars in the sign of Sagittarius tomorrow but we might not get the message until the comet Siding Spring whizzes past our Sun next week Oct. 25. That;s when we get celestial messages, when the Sun is aspected. Listen to more...
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Friday, October 17, 2014

Rare Comet whizzes by the planet Mars

A rare comet will streak past the planet Mars today and since all comets announce important occurrences like the births of geniuses, world leaders and other fated events.  Where is Mars currently transiting in your natal birth chart?

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October's Planets 2014

October 2014
Oct.03              Venus in Libra inconjunct Neptune RX in Pisces 5°
Oct.04              Yom Kippur
Oct.04              Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn 11°
Oct.04              Mars in Sagittarius Square Chiron in Pisces 14°
Oct.04              Mercury RX in Scorpio 2° goes retrograde at 1:02 pm Est Oct. 25th 3:17 pm Est at 16°Libra (Sept. 14th )
Oct.04              Mars in Sagittarius trine Uranus RX in Aries 14°
Oct.06              Helio Mercury enters Pisces
Oct.06              Helio Venus in Libra
Oct.07              Sun in Libra inconjunct Chiron in Pisces 14°
Oct.07              Sun in Libra opposite Uranus RX in Aries 14°
Oct.08              Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries 15°07’ (6:51 am EST.) called a Hunters Moon

Oct.08              Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn 11°
Oct.08              Mars in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in Leo 16°
Oct.10              Mercury RX re-enters Libra
Oct.10              Sun in Libra sextile Jupiter in Leo 16°
Oct.10              Venus in Libra inconjunct Chiron in Pisces 14°
Oct.11              Venus in Libra opposite Uranus RX in Aries 14°
Oct.13              Columbus Day
Oct.14              Venus in Libra sextile Jupiter in Leo 17°
Oct.15              Sun in Libra sextile Mars in Sagittarius 22°
Oct.16              Helio Mars enters Aquarius
Oct.16              Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury RX in Libra 23°
Oct.16              Mercury RX in Libra sextile Mars in Sagittarius 23°
Oct.17              Mercury RX in Libra conjunct Venus in Libra 22°
Oct.19              Venus in Libra sextile Mars in Sagittarius 26°
Oct.20              Venus in Libra sextile Jupiter in Leo 18°
Oct.23              Sun enters Scorpio
Oct.23              Venus enters Scorpio
Oct.23              Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio 0°15’ New Moon Eclipse

Oct.25              Helio Venus enters Scorpio
Oct.25              Sun in Scorpio conjunct Venus in Scorpio 1°
Oct.25              Mercury resumes Direct in Libra 16° 46’
Oct.25              Lunar occultation of Saturn in Scorpio 23° 12:11 pm est. Mar. 2nd Saturn RX 23° (visible from the UK)

Oct.26              Mars enters Capricorn
Oct.27              Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune RX in Pisces 4°
Oct.25              Sun in Scorpio conjunct Venus in Scorpio 1°
Oct.25              Mercury resumes Direct in Libra 16° 46’
Oct.28              Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune RX in Pisces 4°

Oct.31              Happy Halloween