Sunday, January 14, 2018

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! the Moon makes a sign change Midday from The sign of #Sagittarius to #Capricorn and remember the Moon is dimming so it's time to finish things not start them! The Moon in Sagittarius favors #Sagittarius to take the lead and then #Capricorn this afternoon to be in charge. #Aquarius needs to keep themselves motivated and positive, #Pisces goes along with everyone putting their egos aside, #Aries need an added push to shake things up, #Taurus gets ignored by some because they are part of the inner groups at work, #Gemini needs to put forth lots of energy even today and keep themselves healthy, #Cancer needs to be resourceful every day you learn something new, #Leo avoids conflicts and arguments by ignoring people, #Virgo is more suspicious than normal, #Libra might start to rearrange the furniture or fight with family members, while #Scorpio wants to make a move but hesitates.
The 2018 Horoscopes are up! Wait there's more, you download a more detailed Sun sign Horoscope for 2018 on my Web Store and on #AmazonKindle!  

#Astrology #Horoscope#DailyHoroscopes #zodiac #Borntoday #BirthdayHoroscope #lovescope #Birthday #YearAhead #Eclipse #2018 

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