Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Are you ready?

This week there's powerful energy through the New Moon in Leo and Mars entering Leo.  This of course should build your self-confidence, but you should avoid arrogance, being too bossy, stubborn, or too dictatorial.  That would only inhibit this amazing creative energy and limit your creative potential. What we need now is an influx of creative ideas, plans and positive vibes.  As Mercury begins his prolonged stay in the mutable sign of Virgo you need to try different things, date different people if you're single but keep your mind open.
With the South Node in Aquarius we can depend too much on what everyone else is doing, we can go along with others, like friends, mentors,  or stick with the status quo because that's the easy way, it's familiar.  The universe demands you put your individual stamp on everything by finding creative ways of doing things.  We also can't stray too far towards the sign of Leo where the North Node is stationary and be dictatorial, arrogant, bossy and demand our own way all the time. Finding that balance between originality, detachment and falling in love to the point of being blinded by love isn't easy!  The challenge is in balancing the Nodes because Saturn is keeping a close watch!  Horoscopes can only go so far, or give you only so much information because you're unique, your planets are unique and how you process things is unique too. Only a qualified astrologer can really give you the answers you need.

There can be some areas of your life where you might be temporarily stumped or stuck. This calls for some creative measures, new ideas and a new plan.  The plan might not be perfect but you have to start somewhere. Let's get started!

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