Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Happy Birthday #Libra if you're born today

Happy Birthday #Libra if you're born today the Moon in Aquarius has you taking chances not just on love and romance but in every way possible. Sometime it works out and sometimes it doesn't but it's the experience that matters right? You are finishing up one cycle in your life and starting another, and if you don't do it fast enough the universe will step in and help you yup, it's Uranus and he's tricky. You think you have all the time in the world and them Boom Uranus says "Today's the day, let it go". Which can be quite surprising to the laid back #Libra. You spend the year in a balancing act, spinning wildly and get stuff done, to relaxing in a catatonic state with people checking your pulse to see if you're dead or just sleeping. Visit www.terrynazon.com follow me here or follow me on @instagram @terry.nazon on @Twitter at @sexstrology
#Birthday #Borntoday #Dailyhoroscopes #Sexstrology #Astrology #Astrologer 

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