Friday, July 21, 2017

Astro-Cartography Where in the World?

Ever wonder if there was someplace better for you to live, attend school or find your Soulmate? Your Natal birth Chart does align with certain, cities and places in just the right way so as to bring more success, happiness, love, peace, prosperity and scholastic achievement.  My Astro-Cartography Astrology Report does just that, it finds the right place for the right goal. Find out what the planets and astrology have to say about the place you were born in and the city you live in.  Additionally, could there be another place that you have a better alignment with?   How do other places affect you?  This report take the guessing out!
Where to live or find work, is something most of us care about. Where our children attend school is also very important too, because it's an investment in their future.  This report shows how we move through our chart in space just as we do in time. Is there someplace where you were meant to live? 
Where you live does matter!  This report will list major cities and give you key words as to the effect the location has on your individual life. Additionally you can chose two cities of interest and see how life will be in those cities before you move there.  That could save you lots of time and heartbreak.
This report is Approximately 28 pages long but the length is dependent on your natal birth planets

#astrocartography #whereintheworld

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