Monday, May 1, 2017

Happy Birthday #Taurus if you're born today

Happy Birthday #Taurus if you're born today there can be challenges as you forge ahead toward new goals and a new destiny.  You still have to deal with the past. Your past mistakes, past reputation, deeds, and perhaps past bad habits which still haunt you. Stay on course though and try your hardest not be too critical of others, or go behind people's back to take a job at them.  yes, you can do that sometimes!  You are in an in between place with Mercury and Uranus working together to sort through what's real, what's not real and what's all in your head! Scary! Channel all this energy into working doubly hard this year and making yourself invaluable to your employer.  if yo don't keep yourself busy, by working hard, working out and staying active, you'll sit there and mutter to yourself about this or that and take offense when others around you work hard.  Oh my!  In love, let your guard down, be sweet and kind and someone will find their way to you!

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