Sunday, February 5, 2017

The planet Jupiter Retrogrades tonight

The planet Jupiter is a happy go lucky, expansive planet, which lends it’s self well to socializing, honesty, travel, adventures, learning, spirituality, justice, and freedom.  In astrology, the planet Jupiter is called the Greater Fortune.  Wherever Jupiter is in your chart he brings a allot of something, maybe trust, honor, luck and power. Jupiter RX in Libra at 23° until Jun. 9th when it goes direct at 13° Libra affects relationships, trust in relationships and partnerships in general.  As Jupiter RX goes retrograde in Libra it’s time to go over the plans, the relationships you formed, and actions taken while Jupiter was direct.  It can bring uncertainty when retrograde, especially in your relationships.  In Vedic astrology, Jupiter rules teachers, religious people, Brahmins, spiritual gurus, astrologers and those who have dedicated their lives to such things. Jupiter isn't always nice, his negative traits can have you making big mistakes, lead to nervousness or worse.  if you have Jupiter's favor you progress easily, if you don't you struggle. Disrespecting teachers, religious persons, spiritual gurus, Brahmins,and those who have dedicated their lives to such things is one of the things that causes the wrath of Jupiter, bringing misfortune. Even in Chinese astrology the Tai Sui, is called the Grand Duke of Jupiter. he is considered not so nice and if disrespected confers bad luck, brings obstacles, losses, and illness.  His direction changes every year;  the Tai Sui or Jupiter takes up 15° degrees of the compass he is located in 2017 at W2, 262.5° -277.5° on the compass. get your compass out and see where that is in your home or office!  Take care not to disrespect teachers, religious people, Brahmins, spiritual gurus, astrologers and those who have dedicated their lives to such things and avoid the direction of W2 262.5° -277.5° to keep your romantic good fortune in tack. Where is Jupiter in your Natal Birth Chart?

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